woensdag 4 mrt 2020, 12.00 CET

Beyond Plastics

‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in Government and Business’
plastic fles in zee

Gratis toegang


Ontwikkeld door

BE The Hague

British Embassy

In samenwerking met

department for international trade

This half-day seminar organized by the British Embassy in The Hague together with ABN AMRO will discuss the challenges and opportunities of reducing plastics waste from a commercial and policy angle.

A policy panel will focus on where government policies are headed in the UK and the Netherlands and which trade-offs are considered when reducing plastics waste, while a business panel will examine whether the move away from plastics waste is merely a transition or requires fundamentally new business models, and where the current bottlenecks are. Throughout the event innovative UK companies will be presenting their Beyond Plastics ideas and products.


  • 12:00 - Registration with Circular Lunch
  • 13:00 – Presentations and Policy Panel
  • 15:00 – Networking Coffee
  • 15:30 – Presentations and Business Panel
  • 17.00 – Networking Drinks