How do you actually make an impact through your job or your company – without having to switch careers? Using inspiring stories and practical tools & tips from people who walked the walk, ChangeMakers Magazine equips you to make a positive impact starting today. Join us during the livestream launch, get inspired by the professionals in this magazine and start working today on a future-proof company and a liveable planet.
ChangeMakers Magazine is a collaboration between Circularities and Circl - an initiative of ABN AMRO.
The world as we know it is changing at an extraordinary rate. While we may not stop to think about it every day, this change has a major impact on our economy, which is directly dependent on nature. Luckily, professionals are daily joining the ranks of those looking to make a positive impact.
The challenges of our times can feel beyond our ability to make a personal impact, but it is less complicated to make a difference than many of us believe! It is people, not companies, who make the difference. Tackling global issues is not the sole preserve of world leaders, inventors or idealists. Most people work in a profession where they themselves can make a positive difference and are, in fact, crucial to achieving a future-proof company and a vibrant, sustainable economy.
Dutch industry now has many circular innovations and professionals to its credit. We chose four crucial positions in the business sector and went in search of the professionals who are already making a difference. In ‘Changemakers’, we focus on the practical and professional applications of the people who are realising such innovations. We highlight their intrinsic motivations and zoom in on the steps taken and lessons learned through their new approach to their profession. This new approach is cross-sectoral and, using their approach as an example, every professional can get down to work immediately.
We highlight:
- Directors: strategic management, CEOs and CFOs
- Designers: product development and R&D
- Buyers: supply chain management and purchasing
- Marketers: sales, business development and marketing
Each interview contains helpful links to practical examples, informative websites and handy tools, so no one has to reinvent the wheel. And at the back of the magazine, you will find an overview of in-depth publications, tools, training courses and websites.
Companies will only be able to survive and thrive in a healthy world in which economy and ecology are in balance. As a professional, you have a crucial role to play because of the choices you make every day in the course of your work. Get inspired by the professionals in this magazine and start working today on a future-proof company and a liveable planet.