For our last program this week, which takes place at the ABN AMRO Headquarters in Amsterdam, we will focus on integrating natural values into corporate reports. This program will be in English.
Change starts with measuring and reporting, so the importance of incorporating all factors cannot be overstated when it comes to driving the change toward an impact economy.
Don’t miss out on this exclusive session with academic and practical experts, who will share best practices gleaned from their lived experience.
Would you like to register for multiple programs at once? Click on the “Aanmelden” button at the top right of the site (on desktop, or at the bottom right on mobile, registration is in Dutch).
Further information
Would you like to know more about the themes that will be discussed on this day? Below you will find a selection of articles, podcasts and videos for more depth. A number of these are in Dutch.

di 17 okt 2023
CSRD: wat voor veranderingen brengt dit teweeg voor bedrijven?
In dit artikel licht Michel Scholte de richtlijn CSRD toe. Deze Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is in het begin van 2023 aangenomen door de Europese Unie als onderdeel van de Europese Green Deal, zoals voorgesteld door Frans Timmermans (vicevoorzitter van de Europese Commissie). Door middel van de CSRD worden de komende jaren tienduizenden Europese bedrijven verplicht gesteld om te rapporteren over hun impact op mens en klimaat.

ma 14 okt 2024
Redefine the Bottom-line: From Profit to Impact – Unlocking True Profit with Eric Buckens
In this episode, we dive into the transformative world of impact investing with Eric Buckens, Investment Director of the ABN AMRO Sustainable Impact Fund (AASIF).

ma 25 sep 2023
De transitie naar duurzaamheid: meten, weten, versnellen
Versnellen: dat is het toverwoord. Want de transitie naar duurzaamheid moet sneller. Tjeerd Krumpelman is Global Head of Reporting, Regulations & Stakeholder Management bij de centrale duurzaamheidsafdeling van ABN AMRO. Hij ondersteunt de verduurzaming van de bank in al haar facetten met speciale aandacht voor verslaglegging. Tjeerd vertelt over de impact van ABN AMRO, hun nieuwe klimaatplan en de CSRD-richtlijnen.

ma 4 nov 2024
Redefine the Bottom-line: From Profit to Impact – Crafting Impact-driven Strategies with Willem Schramade
In this episode, we dive deep into the art of crafting an impact strategy with Willem Schramade, Professor of Finance at Nyenrode Business University.
Rewatch Programs
Would you like to know more about the themes that will be discussed on this day? Below you will find a selection of previous programs to watch again.
do 12 sep 2024 CET
Pioneering Impact: The Future of Business with Impact-Weighted AccountsWith reporting standards that are increasingly asking for more transparency on sustainability and social responsibility, it is becoming important for businesses to understand their impact on stakeholders and society. Companies need to learn how to measure and use impact in their decisions, from strategy to investments. EnglishLivestream Aangeboden door Impact Economy Foundation
do 7 dec 2023 CET
Chief Value Officer: The rise of new leadershipCompanies worldwide are not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, climate objectives, biodiversity and social impact promises. It is time for new leadership.EnglishLivestream In samenwerking met Impact Economy Foundation